What's your why?
Why did you start this business in the first place?
Is your business still bringing you joy? Are you still able to spend extra time with your family, enjoy serving your clients, create amazing content, etc. like you envisioned for yourself when you started this?
My husband and these 2 girls are the reason I started my business. I wanted to be more present for my husband and I wanted my daughters to have a mother who loved what she did. Who had time to spend with them outside of only nights and weekends.
I’ve found myself spiraling the last few months. (Newborns are hard ) Thinking I had to do everything myself and actually trying to achieve that. I have a real problem handing things off to anyone even if I fully trust they can handle it.
News flash: you can't be everything and do everything all the time.
So I just have to say that I’m just so grateful for the people I have on my team. Workwise and in my personal life. I have people I can trust to help me with my business and with my kids.
What is your why? Are you in a daily struggle to remember what that is?
It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to not have all the answers.
If you feel like you’re drowning and need help, I know what that’s like. Talk to me about joining your team and let’s pull your head above water again.